Livermore Newborn Photography: Alexia

Livermore Newborn Photographer, Little Rae Photography, has been photographing newborns since 2016.

Alexia’s big sister was one of my newborns in 2020 and she was so excited to share her little sister with me. “She cries. She poops. She’s cute.”

Using bowls from JD Vintage Props that I purchased years ago, I wrapped Alexia nice and secure in wraps I have accumulated over the years from various vendors. I have added a few new pieces to my collection of wraps, outfits, hats and headbands in the recent months, and I was elated to try out the simple, timeless, classic white headband for the first time - I think its gorgeous! I also pulled out a very special rainbow gemstone headband - I haven’t used this one much as I tend to reserve it for newborns I know are rainbow babies, but I thought it would be the perfect touch for the timeless feel I was aiming for.

Three tips for booking your newborn photographer:
1. Portfolio. Be sure that the photographer’s current portfolio is lined up with your vision. If the photographer only offers wrapped poses in a bowl (like I do) and you have poses on a beanbag in mind than it may not be the right fit. I have referrals for other photographers who do that style of work and I am happy to share their information.

2. Price Point. Know your budget prior to looking around. If you are posting for recommendations on local facebook groups for example and post “affordable newborn photographers” you will get a variety of referrals, but everyone’s idea of “affordable” looks different. Sometimes its $300 or less, sometimes its $600 or less. When asking for a referral, try wording it this way: “I’m looking for a newborn photographer in the $600 or less price range.”

3. Turn Around Time. Most photographers who do it full time have a longer turn around. My turn around is 7 business days or less - often less. I personally prefer to get my galleries out as soon as possible because I don’t like to see folders on my desktop. Other photographers may not start the editing process for a week after shooting because of their work load. Always ask and pay attention to the details when booking.

If you have more questions about what to look for when booking your baby’s newborn session, please reach out at to chat.


Fairy First Birthday


Jamie’s Newborn Session