Disney Pixar Up Themed Cake Smash

When this little boy’s older brother came to me in January of 2022, his mama was pregnant with Liam. She gave me a photo of her vision and asked me to take it and run with the idea.

I used a cut out of a house from Etsy, made a small balloon arch and attached some strings from the balloons to the house, grabbed a cloud backdrop with “fluff” clouds (pillow stuffing) to blend it. Mama brought these suitcases with her and I thought it was the perfect touch. I found this dapper little suit on Amazon and man, it didn’t disappoint us! The little glasses - I died!

Balloon Arch - Balloons from our local $.99 Store
Outfit: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q7YMVVY
Glasses: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CQ43SUG
”Fluff”: https://www.joann.com/32oz-poly-fil-premium-polyester-fiberfill/7400203.html
Backdrop: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TLK5TBM
Etsy Shop MandMWreathsDesign


Glause Family


Jaime - Half Birthday